Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Facts About Pool Chlorine Generators

!±8± Facts About Pool Chlorine Generators

Pool chlorine generators, perhaps, boast the most utility value among all pool accessories. This invention relieved pool owners of the hassles of buying and storing chlorine, and releasing them in measured quantities into the pools regularly.

Pools using this generators are also called 'salt water pools,' because of the common misconception that these pools remain chlorine-free. However, the fact is that this pool generators convert salt to chlorine through a special chlorine generator cell. Swimming pool water must contain 2500 - 6000 parts per million (ppm) of salt. Through electrolysis, water running over the this generator cell instantly transforms into hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is a powerful sanitizer, which kills algae, bacteria and other harmful germs in the pool water.

During the process of electrolysis, the acid is also converted into salt; thus the salt does not get completely exhausted. Salt needs to be added to the swimming pool only once or twice a year. This helps in replacing the salt that is lost when the water splashes out or during filter backwash. However, the efficacy of pool chlorine generators rest on balanced water conditions, especially pH balance.

Pool Chlorine Generators: Types
There are two kinds of pool chlorine generators used in residential swimming pools:

* Those with brine units. Pools having brine unit do not require additional salt to be dispersed into the pool. This device has a chamber which contains the required amount of salt. Chlorine is produced through the process of electrolysis and then released into the pool. However, the device is not very convenient to use, since it produces by-products that cannot be easily disposed.

* This popular device is available in two different types. One type has a chlorine-producing cell and the electronics fitted inside the device. The other type has the cell installed in the pool's deck and the electronics fixed inside the device. The deck unit produces chlorine even when the pump is off, while the other type of unit produces chlorine only as water passes through the cell. The latter is the more preferred and popular of the two options.

For both units to operate effectively, the chlorine-generating cell must remain free of mineral deposits.

Facts About Pool Chlorine Generators

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Looking for HOME SPA ? Yes, HOME SPA . It's all here! From time to time, we post tips and tricks about home spa . Covers home spa related issues, news, research, and much more!

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Main Components of A Spa

!±8± The Main Components of A Spa

Purchasing a spa or hot tub is a matter of personal, just like choosing an automobile or mobile phone. Yet, all spas still have a few things in common, and by knowing these, it will become much easier to choose a spa from a show room.

Spa, essentially composed of a shell that holds water, a cabinet that surrounds the shell, some jets that provide hydrotherapy, a circulating system to filter the water, and some controls include temperature control.

Here is the breakdown of the crucial component of a spa:

The Shell
The vessel that holds the spa water inside is the shell. Although some traditional spa is made of wood, most of today's prefabricated spas are made from acrylic, thermoplastic, fiberglass, tile, etc.
Custom concrete spas are also popular and can be installed alone or in combination with swimming pool. So far, the most popular material for pre-fabricated spas is acrylic which comes in an array of colors to choose from.

The Jets
The jets of a spa is used for hydrotherapy purposes. It is as important as shell. Spa without hydrotherapy is merely a hot water tub. Jets come in many styles and new ones keep being introduced every year. Some popular jet types include neck jets, foot jets, stationary jets, cluster jets, directional jets, handheld jets and whirlpool jets.

The Pump
Pump is the main heart of a spa. The pump is the one that pump the water for circulation and also for creating the jets effect. Many people make mistakes by assuming bigger pump will be better. However, a pump that is oversized will only waste energy and create harm to the spa plumbing system.

The Heater
Spa heater function to heat up the water inside the spa until it reach the desired temperature and then maintain it at that particular temperature. Spa heater is a vulnerable component, due to the contact of the spa heating element with the spa water which can be corrosive. One most efficient way to prevent this is to maintain the spa water properly balanced.
Some other types of heater don't allow the water to physically contact with the heating element by wrapping around the heating element with stainless-steel tube. But this type of heater waste more energy as only 60% of heat generated is transferred to the water.

The spa filter function to screens the fine particles and debris out of the spa water. Prefabricated spas typically use cartridge filter to screen the particles out of the water. Not all the cartridge filter are created equal. Some contain more filtering material than others. This cartridge filter need to be cleaned every few months or whenever the flow of the water is interrupted.

The Main Components of A Spa

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Spa Repair - How to Repair Your Own Spa Or Hot Tub - Part 1 - My Spa is Not Heating

!±8± Spa Repair - How to Repair Your Own Spa Or Hot Tub - Part 1 - My Spa is Not Heating

A modern spa is an amazingly complex piece of equipment. It consists of water pumps, heater, air pumps, computers, control systems, Ozonators, fiber optic lighting, sanitation systems, misters, stereo system, TV systems, filters, etc .etc. Learning the basics of Spa Repair will save you thousands of dollars over the life time of your spa.

In this 10 part series we will take you through the most common issues facing a home owner.

Let start with the most common problem; My Spa Is Not Getting Warm.

There could be many different reasons for this;

Your spa filer (s) could be dirty. Most of the time the spa is not heating is simply a matter of removing your existing spa filter, rinsing them with a high pressure hose and re-installing them again. The purpose of the filter is to catch debris. That debris needs to be removed from the filters a couple of times per month. If your spa is not heating and you know that your filters have not been cleaned for a while.... Try it first. Now there is always the chance that your filters are 'beyond all hopes of recovery', in that case, please just go and get new ones. Good filter are important, not only for the heat in your spa, but mainly for your health. The best method for testing this is remove the filters and see if the heat comes on.... If it does, your filter is the culprit There are situation where the spa filters look perfectly white and clean but they are actually completely clogged. This happens if your spa water has high pH for a while. With high pH come calcium deposits. It is very hard to see, but if you remove your spa filter and the heater turns on,you have a filter issue Another reason why your spa is not heating could be that your pump is clogged with debris. This could happen if your filter was removed, for even short period of time, and something got sucked into the pump.If you suspect that this has happened, you can either take out your toolbox and attempt to repair is yourself, or call your local spa repair company. One of the main reasons why your spa is not heating is that your heater is not working.;There are mainly two kinds of spa heaters, gas or electric. Most above ground spa have electric heat. An electrical heating element only last so long. The heating element is in contact with the water all the time. And its lifespan depends on how well the water chemistry has been kept up. For example; if the pH has been too low for a length of time, which means that the water is acidic. Acid eats metal and the heater is made of metal.... Always check your incoming electrical power to the spa. It is very common that the problem is as simple as a tripped circuit breaker. Just turn it back on again. A word of caution here: If you turn the circuit breaker back on and it trips again right away. Call your local Spa Repair Company immediately. You have a problem here. Do not go inside the water until they have repaired it. The Pump.... A faulty pump will prevent the spa from heating up. The pump circulates the water over the heating element, causing the spa to get warm. If the pump stops the control system will not let the heater turn on.;One of the more common problems with the pump is that the pump seal has broken.Most of the time it is hard to notice this problem early on. It typically starts as a small tiny leak in the pump. The leak is progressively getting bigger and bigger and by the time you see a trickle of water coming out from under the spa, you pump is in bad shape. Sometimes the seal can be replaced, but many times you will have to get a new pump. If you hear a "funny" sound from the pump, call your technician. If you caught it early enough you will have saved yourself 0-0 typically.

Spa Repair - How to Repair Your Own Spa Or Hot Tub - Part 1 - My Spa is Not Heating

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pink slime in the pool

!±8± Pink slime in the pool

Pink Slime (and its water "friend" white mold) is a recent problem facing the swimming pool owners in the last 10 or 20 years. They are present in nature and are caused only by the lack of proper pool maintenance and water chemistry. In fact, the owners and not fight the slime-pond with pink bathrooms, kitchens and laundries. Never noticed that the ring pink around the pool? The mucus is pink.

We define what is pink slime. Pink slime is a naturally occurring bacterium (of thenewly formed Methylobacterium genus). Chalk rose is not a form of algae, animal plant is not. And 'pink or red pigment and form a strong, protective slime coating that provides the organism with an unusually high level of protection. Pink slime consumes methanol (a gas) and is often found with white water mold. This body is very resilient and resistant to halogen-based (chlorine or bromine), as well as non-halogen sanitizers or germicides can remain andContamination and after treatment.

Although originally in swimming pools treated with Biguanide (Baquacil, Soft Swim, Polyclar, etc.), is now seen in all environments pool. This is not only a problem is the use of biguanide biguanides caused.

The bacterium has an affinity for pink slime matrix formed on the surface of PVC plastics, which will lower and within the matrix so that re-contamination long afterIt seems that it was "destroyed" apparently (includes pool toys, floats, ladders, stairs, fountains, automatic shares cleaner, skimmer baskets, weirs, directional plants, garden hose, etc..) Small amounts of pink mucus can lead to a restoration of the problem. And 'caused by improper water and pool maintenance, environmental factors and poor circulation. Pink slime attracts areas, the "dark" (not exposed to direct sunlight) and "slow" water. In anotherIndustry, medical technology, this bacterium occurs regularly in laboratory Tubin.

Look for pink slime in the head bearing surfaces, behind the dam skimmer skimmer baskets at the bottom sides, back office pool, underwater pool light niches and light fittings. If you find that the pool is not easy to keep chlorine, bromine, or hydrogen peroxide used in biguanide treated pools to look pink slime.

After the regular monitoring of animals and affected owners pink slime pools heresome similarities:

Many but not all affected pools have "smaller (under) sized" cartridge filters. (That is, with a 75 m filter on a 24 ft Rnd aboveground pool or a 90-m filter on a 15 x 30 under the floor of the pool). Pools hit a 6 hours or less direct sunlight on the surface of the pool. Pool owners always leave the solar system on the top and not chemically clean the blanket the recommended 2 times a year to remove the accumulated biofilm. "Shocking" or oxidizing of the poolThe water is not made to the instructions on the label. For example, instead of shocking the pool every week or two, this task is neglected, because the water "looks good." Rainy season swimming a dramatic increase in cases of pink slime. Customers regularly add fresh water from the tap, no water pipe run (the pink slime is already transferred to the garden hose and the pool) for a few minutes. Pools with sand filters is not the change in the sandevery 2 or 3 years and chemically clean the sand filter 3 times per season (every 6 to 8 weeks). Recent observations: The most affected seem to use the treated drinking water in public. Pools appear to be filled with well water not affected much. Swimming pools are not considered interested sophisticated chemically (water balance, the use of additives such as borate BIOGUARD Optimizer Plus or Proteam Supreme, shocking regular), such as swimming pools clean.

Another observation is that manyWater companies across the country, partly in response to the "call of the consumer" to "get rid of chlorine in drinking water" are now using mono-chloramines to treat the water (in the last 15 or 20 years). Mono-chloramines essentially do a good job in dealing with pathogens in drinking water, but some of the non-pathogenic organisms can get into the action through. Unfortunately, there is only anecdotal and experimental evidence.

Prevention of "pink slime" is preferred over treatment.Follow these steps to prevent pink slime:

Physically brush and clean all surfaces in the pool every week, including ladder steps (especially at each step) and rails All pool surfaces exposed to the sun as much as possible (sunlight and UV are natural oxidizers) Remove the lid from the skimmer basket in the sunlight for several hours a day ** allow ground pools must be particularly careful in this case, a portion of the person, avoiding or otherwise violatedopened with a slotted spoon. Regularly added oxidizing chemical to clean the skimmer and clean the filtration lines of bio-film (use extreme caution when doing this. Slowly add chemicals and remove any objects, even slow dissolving chlorine tablets or sticks to prevent potential reactions chemical, like an explosion. When you add make-up water from the garden hose so the water run for 2 or 3 minutes before the tube in the pool. Regularlyclean pool toys and floats (use the archive as Mildewcides BIOGUARD) Regularly clean pool solar blanket (use store BIOGUARD) Chemically clean pool filter every 4 to 6 weeks (use Strip Kwik, Kleen It or Soft Swim ® Filter Cleaner). This is a very important step, regardless of the type of filter, sand, DE or cartridge. Add required regular maintenance doses "Shock" and Algicide every 1 to 2 weeks (3 or 4 weeks in pools bguanide). Use products such as BoratAs BIOGUARD Optimizer Plus as a preventative measure (borates, if properly used, with a rate of 50-80 ppm, in order to disinfect disinfectant disinfected and prevent algae growth). Run the filter at least 12 hours a day to avoid "dead spots" in the pool. Remember to clean and wash the brush and suction tube, which is used to clean the pool Leave most of your pool equipment exposed to the sun (sunlight is a natural antioxidant) Keep the water balanced at allTimes. Check after a heavy usage or rain, or large "top-off" of new water. Water balance refers to the level available Sanitizer, pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness Free.
The treatment of "pink slime" to be fast and TOTALLY! You do not save!

Clean all surfaces affected and swimming pool as indicated above.

Physically clean and remove all visible "pink slime"

Add an initial dosage of algicide to the pool

"Shock" the pool with a triple or quadruple dose

Filter Run 24Hours a day until water is clear and halogen or peroxide values ​​are maintained at a level "higher"

Chemically cleaning the filter. Easy flushing or backwashing of the filter is not the fats, oils and other contaminants accumulated in the tank and filter.

If the pool water professionally tested and analyzed. Look for a company that knows what they're talking about swimming and is not afraid to tell the truth about a problem.

Maintain Optimizer Plus (orother borate product) levels

Maintain good water balance of pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness

The longer you can remain pink slime, the harder it is to heal.

Pink slime in the pool

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tips on how to set up the pool

!±8± Tips on how to set up the pool

Do not let these pools would have been on the market when we were kids! These pools are the pools of my childhood in the shadow of plastic.

But it is a bit 'more then threw them into the tube. Just follow the signs to take into account the pool, but keep these tips.

1 Put a layer of sand under the ground cloth or towel level to make it more stable and more resistant to tears.

2 Place the filter in a corner of the square ground cloth, so it islikely to maintain and stay away from the mower.

3 The filter needs to plug-in, and be sure to avoid using extension cords for a colorful trip and fall.

4 Always one or two repair kits on hand to work well, but you can lose a lot of water when you walk into the store, when and if you need it.

5 Obtaining the greatest possible number of wrinkles by the covering from the center.

6 Add the water slowly until all the wrinkles are smoothed. TooThe water makes it difficult if not impossible, to understand the wrinkles.

7 Check that the drain plug is in

8 Check if your pump tubes are safe and burp the air from the pump before connecting to

9 Read the labels of chemical products and learn what to add when. And is not that difficult if you take care consistently.

10 Have Fun! Be sure and take care of your children carefully and keep it inaccessible to chemicals. Also, remember thatRoofs must be kept free from contamination of the pool and are not intended as a safety device for the safety of children. This is your job, you are always lifeguards on duty in the garden with a swimming pool.

Tips on how to set up the pool

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Spa & Hot Tub Filter filter life - The truth will surprise you!

!±8± Spa & Hot Tub Filter filter life - The truth will surprise you!

You may also need to have filters wellness & spa filter maintenance and indeed the cost of maintenance of the spa and hot tub, the water quality in general, led astray! Do not be sad, because we know that 80% of all spa and hot tub in the same boat buyers to appreciate. The seller is "beautiful" which has sold your hot tub or spa to potential customers want to believe, that the property is a completely painless process - you do not want to appear "obstacles" that can be saidPeople. And, of course, there's much more romantic to paint a picture of a glass of champagne in the warm nights during their stay and maintain the detail of the spa tub! So let's say "diminish" the importance of maintaining spa filter, remove and rinse as often, deep-cleaning cartridge with cleaning and how long the filter / s last truly need.

In all honesty, the standard period for a 'Folds Reemay "whirlpool spa filter cartridge or in general than declared12 months or so in the hot tub, pool and hot industry. It's actually closer to a "candle filter elements" POOL-filter, but the statement is made only for "'in Spas and hot tubs, and count. The filters are designed with the same (Reemay) material manufactured, but there are some significant differences between a Pool & Spa or hot tub environment: -

1 The volume of the "person" water in a small pool house is significantly larger than in a hot tub - a small pool of family with say 20 000Liters of water a family of 6 'in common' are over 3,300 liters per person are on average six or spa bath hot seat with 1,300 gallons of water just over 200 liters per person - in other words, you would need to 100 people in the equivalent in small beach for families with 6 in the hot tub! Massive difference!

2 The temperature that a hot tub / spa is operating significantly higher in a pool. This creates a multitude of other problems, not least of which is theWhirlpool ability of bacteria in a race much faster than the "strip-off, removing the 'body lotions, creams, spray tan and all that cleaners latent or" hidden washed, "now available on swimming bear. Coagulant Adding products like foam Down spark, etc.. serves only to increase the frequency of cleaning and to further reduce the filter life. A better solution is to use a scum absorbers as the new product is Zorboid.

The result of these factors is that the life of a spa filter is much more difficulta filter to the pool, it's no wonder that their life expectancy is considerably shorter. A recent study by GE Water (General Electric) is a global company, said: -

"The effective pore size of the filter is gradually reduced some of the pores are blocked by the construction of smaller particles. These particles are generally of a deformable semi-solid nature and are in the form of a mucous or gelatinous material. If the concentration of these particleshigh enough, then the item can be "blinded off", which prevents the flow. If these filters are washed, but only hold about 10% of the total value of filtration and the average life expectancy is two months. "

Perhaps the search for GE is looking at the worst, but it clearly supports the fact that 12 months is not realistic life. Of course, many factors are involved, how long 'last' well-being and your hot tub filters to play - or more importantly, how longbe effective.

Paul Harrison

Spa & Hot Tub Filter filter life - The truth will surprise you!

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

3M Filtrete 1000 MPR, 6-Pack, Micro Allergen Reduction Filter, 20 x 25 x 1

!±8± 3M Filtrete 1000 MPR, 6-Pack, Micro Allergen Reduction Filter, 20 x 25 x 1

Brand : 3M | Rate : | Price : $65.98
Post Date : Jul 23, 2011 10:09:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

20' x 25' x 1', Red, Micro Filtrete Filter, 3 Month Filter Is 90% Effective At Capturing Large Allergens Like Mold Spores & Pet Dander, Captures Microscopic Allergens Like Dust, Smoke & Smog, Captures Bacteria & Particles That Can Carry Viruses, Meets The Guidelines Of The American Lung Association Health House Program.

  • MPR 1000
  • Captures large airborne allergens like household dust, pollen and mold spores
  • Attracts and captures microscopic allergens like pet dander, smoke and smog particles
  • Outperforms non-electrostatic filter
  • Pack of 6 filters

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